Chris Pennycook

Office 204-989-5000 |


You may have heard the saying: ‘Location Location Location’. That saying rings true because the neighbourhood you choose to live in can be just as important as the house you choose.

The Chris Pennycook Team has a wealth of knowledge regarding the communities of Winnipeg and surrounding areas. We can help you assess neighbourhoods according to your needs so you can find the one that best suits you and your family.

Here are just some of the things you may want to consider:

Explore the neighbourhood keeping an eye open for signs of neglect, such as overgrown lawns, run down houses, and litter in yards and alleys. No matter how diligent you are at keeping your property in good condition, a run-down neighbourhood will drive your property value down.

Crime rate?
Check with the local police department to find out if the home you are considering is in a safe neighbourhood. Police may be able to provide statistics regarding break-ins and other crimes.

If you have children, education is one of the most important considerations in finding a new home. Are there schools within walking distance or will your children have to take the bus? How do the local schools compare to other schools in the area? Should your children require religious or special-training educational facilities, are they nearby?

Talking to neighbours with school-aged children can be helpful. In some areas school boards can provide important information to help you determine the quality of schooling in a particular neighbourhood or community.

Convenient public transportation, good access roads, and major highways nearby can mean the difference between a pleasurable and not-so-pleasurable commute to work.

Familiarize yourself with the amenities that you may require: shops, grocery stores, dry cleaners, restaurants, medical and dental offices, parks, and recreational facilities. Having a vibrant community with modern conveniences can greatly enhance your lifestyle.

Property values?
Property values are a pretty good indicator of how a community is perceived. The Chris Pennycook Team can tell you how property values have changed over the years and how they compare to equivalent communities in nearby areas.

Utilities and taxes?
Avoid unpleasant surprises by researching municipal taxes and utility costs before you decide to purchase. Fees for water, electricity, cable TV, phone, and gas vary greatly by region.

Noise and nuisances?
First impressions are not necessarily the most accurate impressions. It is a good idea to come back to the neighbourhood at different times of day and different days of the week. Listen for traffic noise, barking dogs, low-flying airplanes, and any other noise that could indicate problems.